The days of childhood linger sweet,
It's hard to face the doubts we meet.
But out of this realm in which we seek,
We come into a world so deep.
The roads are winding and obscure,
Feeling lost with no real cure.
So many miles ahead to trod,
Uncertainty amps up our load.
Our engines sputter at full force,
Ready for surprises yet uncoerced.
No one can take away our stride
Toward success--on that we ride!
Adventure waits down every path;
Go forth & overcome your wrath!
Oh, adulting is no jest,
with lessons to be learned and tests.
It's filled with bills and endless strife,
yet also blessed with moments of life.
Responsibilities stretch us all thin;
Never time to commit a sin!
Into adulthood we must grow;
Taking responsibility wherever we go!