I looked into your eyes one last time. I could see them brimming with unanswered questions, but you asked only one.
"Won't you miss me?"
"I can live with it", I said my eyes not wavering and I could see you believed it. You turned and walked away, and I knew I broke a heart which had nothing but love for me. But it was necessary, you see. You weren't supposed to love me like that, knowing what future beholds. You deserve to be punished for showing me the life I could have had but never will.
Watching your shadow fade, I turned to my old pal and smiled. The leaves were falling off the sycamore tree.
"Don't be sad, my dear", I said.
"But why would you lie? You have missed him even before you met him. How can you let him go away?"
The entire forest wanted to know.
"That's exactly why I wasn't lying, I can live with missing him because that's what I know my life like. That's my comfort zone!"